It has become a general consensus that the longitudinal folds of the earlobe are related to heart disease. To condition the ear is to condition the health, which has been widely used in traditional Chinese acupuncture. You can paste Eye/U on or round the ears to adjust the JingQi flowing and blood circulation states to achieve regrowth of the ears. Showing up your inner health and beauty with full and round ears.
The legend is a comparison of ear shaping conditioning from the end of March 2022 to the beginning of June 2022. During this period, I only applied the Eye/u for 5 days successively. During this period, I also experienced 7 consecutive days of PiGu (only drinking warm water without eating foods). The PiGu was finished on June 4, and I lost 6.1kg in 7 days. Despite the significant weight loss, we can see a significant change in the fullness of the ear rings in both ears and a filling bulge where the tragus meets the cheek. It should be said that the effect of ear shaping is very obvious.
Whanhua Technology
Address:Room 1113, 11th Floor, Building 689, District 1, No.5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing